Don't settle for anything less than the genuine article! Your engine would cost a tidy sum to replace, so why try to save a few quid on 'other brand' impellers?
Keep your engine in the condition it was designed to be in by the engine manufacturer. They specified Sherwood for its quality and expertise; this means you should fit genuine Sherwood impellers and Sherwood pump spares to your Sherwood pumps to ensure they work as intended.
As the official UK importer, we offer a competitive price on genuine Sherwood impellers and Sherwood spares. It is good boating practice to always carry a spare Sherwood flexible impeller to suit your on-board Sherwood pumps. If you require any assistance selecting the correct Sherwood impeller for your Sherwood pump, please contact us.
Sherwood flexible impellers suffixed with a 'K' (e.g. SW27000K) are supplied as an impeller kit, with gasket and / or O-ring and a technical guide.
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